Click here for a link to St Paul’s website conference flier
There was also a wonderful mix of speakers and workshop leaders – look them up on St Paul’s website from many different countries including Portugal and Brazil. I was asked to do the ending keynote speech for the whole conference where all the admin and catering staff had also been invited. Hundreds! Mine was on ‘Keeping Your Spirits High’ – so it involved a lot of fun and laughter. At the end though I decided to give everyone the wonderful poem by William Crocker called ‘A People Place’:
If this is not the place where tears are understood,
where do I go to cry?
If this is not a place where my spirits can take wing,
Where do I go to fly?
If this is not a place where my questions can be asked,
Where do I go to seek?
If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard,
Where do I go to speak?
If this is not a place where you’ll accept me as I am,
Where can I go to be?
If this is not a place where I can try to and learn to grow,
Where can I just be me?
It makes you think, doesn’t it?
Web Manager’s Note
Jenny wrote this whilst on a conference trip for South American schools to Brazil. Jenny first visited St. Paul’s School in Sao Paulo. Jenny participated in the school’s first ever education conference entitled “Educating to keep Pace with Change” and was amongst other key international speakers including Carol Ann Tomlinson, Dylan Williams, Mark Church and Margaret MacLean. Jenny went on to train in several schools in Brazil. This blog is one five juicy segments of Jenny’s Brazilian blog.
Jenny and her model have been instrumental in an important action research project in India entitled Safe and Sensitive Schools – click the link here to see a video that has resulted from the research.�
She regularly contributes keynotes, training and workshops at large conferences in the UK and abroad. If you are holding a conference in the UK or abroad do phone 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk to see if we can help with keynotes and workshops.
A Golden Freebie!
CLICK HERE to download and print off to keep one of Jenny Mosley’s Golden Moments cards. We will be giving away samples from Jenny’s Golden Inspiration�and�Golden Moment regularly with Jenny’s blogs and on Facebook so start collecting now!�