Shall We Declare 2022 The Year of Kindness?

We all need kindness after everything everyone have been, and is, going through. World Kindness [...]

Playground Zoning and Exciting Crazes at Halling Primary School in Medway

Jenny was delighted to have been invited to Halling Primary School to work with creative [...]

Inspiring a Lifelong Love of Healthy, Active Playground and Sporting Games

As we are (hopefully) emerging from a very difficult COVID time in schools, I am [...]

New Quality Circle Time Book for Iran

It was very exciting to be approached by Dr Nabi Bostan, Manager of the Taghbostan [...]

Jenny Mosley’s Wellbeing Webinar – Sample and Information

Jenny has created this helpful Wellbeing Webinar and accompanying, downloadable Wellbeing Action Plan, handouts and [...]

News of A Healthy COVID Response in Gwynedd

We were thrilled to see this article written for ‘Children in Wales’ by Ann Hughes, [...]

“In The Zone” – See Our Colourful Zone Signs Video – Making the Most of Your Best Playground Features

We are getting lots of enquiries about providing better playtimes and zoning the playground to [...]

First Day Back!

For those schools on a similar timescale to us, there will be lots of first [...]

‘The Big Shrink’ by Jenny Mosley

Most schools are now running the playground with Year Bubbles – children who go out [...]

‘Dining Al Desko’ by Jenny Mosley

Lunchtime eating in schools takes a variety of forms at the moment. Some are eating [...]