‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ – and the ‘Five Wells for Wellbeing’

Ooohhh, I am very excited… Wrexham’s University health Board in partnership with Public Health Wales have created a simple card for all parents and children “Five Ways to Wellbeing” and guess what … their simple ideas fit ALMOST beautifully into my Five Wells for Wellbeing.

  • Take notice – fits in with my spiritual well and the importance of mindfulness and golden moments
  • Be active – fits in with the physical well in every way
  • Keep learning – is exactly what all the ideas in my intellectual well promotes
  • Give – is about the emotional well and being kind to yourself and others

The only one that doesn’t quite fit in is:

  • Connect – they have talked about connecting with friends and family. In my model, it is about connecting with your own and others creativity.

Still, it is wonderful that a simple flyer has been created that helps everyone to think about what the can do themselves to boost their own wellbeing.



Hello – I am Jenny’s website manager. I just wanted to let you know that Jenny runs lovely courses on wellbeing and mindfulness for children, and for staff and for everyone really.

You can see the Staff Wellbeing Training here and Wellbeing Training in Primary Schools here.

Do phone us up on 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk to chat through your training needs.