Glowing Inspectorate Report – Jenny Mosley’s Mental Health, Wellbeing and Positive Relationships 5-Day Summer School July 2023

Jenny was delighted to be invited to run a Summer School in Dublin in July 2023. She worked with a fabulous group of staff in St Vincent’s Girls National School – kindly and professionally supported by Principal Margaret O’Connor. Jenny was not expecting the Government of Ireland Inspectorate to attend on two days of the Summer School. The Inspectors seemed to enjoy the days that they were there and we have just received a copy of a glowing report! 

If you would like to read it in full, please Click Here.  

Here are a few snippets:

Jenny Mosley’s Mental Health, Wellbeing and Positive Relationships course was designed to empower school leaders and teachers with knowledge and practical strategies to explore and implement whole school approaches and interventions to support positive mental health, the development of positive relationships and the promotion of the wellbeing of both pupils and teachers.

Summary of Main Findings 

  • The overall quality of this course was very good.
  • The course was very well organised and managed.
  • High quality circle time was modelled explicitly.
  • Course content focused on evidenced-based interventions and strategies that teachers could use to
    develop and support pupils’ understanding of self, their well-being and the development of
    positive relationships.
  • Participants engaged with the resources and course material presented while exploring the
    importance of language and skill development beyond the curriculum when engaging in circle
    time activities.
  • Resources and practical strategies presented have the potential to impact very positively on teacher
    practice and the learner outcomes and learner experiences of all pupils.
  • Participants were provided with opportunities to reflect on pupil well-being and on their own wellbeing. They engaged in professional reflection and dialogue.
  • The course made reference to materials directly relevant to the Irish primary school context.

Here is a summary of what was included day to day below:

The training is based upon the Golden Model, a Whole School or Setting ecosystemic approach to supporting mental health, wellbeing and positive relationships, happy play, empathic listening and developing oral language throughout primary schools and early year settings. 

Dublin Summer School – Jenny Mosley’s Mental Health, Wellbeing and Positive Relationships 5-Day Summer School July 2023

03.07.23         Monday – Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing Of Adults Who Work With Children and School Self-Evaluation  T

04.07.23         Tuesday – Supporting the Wellbeing, Mental Health, Resilience and Self-Esteem of Children Adolescents through Vibrant Quality Circle Times 

05.07.23         Wednesday – Ways to Reach Out to, and Support, Troubled Unhappy Children Using Quality Circle Time – Circles of Support

06.07.23         Thursday – The Key To Releasing Excellence and Wellbeing In Schools Is Often Revitalising The Dining Hall and Playtime and Lunchtime Experiences – Both Are Key To The Happiness Of Children

07.07.23         Friday – What are the Qualities of A Great Trainer/Facilitator?

School Self Evaluation for Wellbeing in Schools

During the week, in addition to exploring aspects of her Golden Model, Jenny and the delegates also explored the Government of Ireland initiative – School Self Evaluation for Wellbeing. With a handout that we had written specially for this, we also provided discussions and a good link for further reading here:

Jenny would like to congratulate all of the delegates attending the 20 hours CPD Summer School for attending and for their flair, reflections, fun, thoughfulness and resourcefulness throughout the week. .


Website Editor’s Note

If you are interested in finding out more about Jenny’s training in schools, Closure INSET days, unique Working in School Days, in depth longer Summer Schools or Train the Trainers courses then please get in touch –