Luton Headteachers’ Conference – Fun and Games

In June, just before I left for the big trip to India (so it got a bit overshadowed) I was asked to be the guest speaker at the annual headteachers conference in Luton.  It is only now, as the India dust has been shaken out of my cases… that this June conference day shone through all recent events like the little jewel of the day it was!!!  It deserves some mention… So there we were in a huge white marquee, wind rippling every flap so it sort of became an important breath of fresh air needed to blow away the sticky cobwebs of all the difficult times many beleaguered heads are currently facing; uncertainty, piling up child protection cases, deficit budgets, unfilled staff vacancies, mental health issues for staff and children… and suddenly as one academic year was being blown away and a new one is gathering momentum on the horizon – what matters right now became really important… what’s going to strengthen our hearts, light up our spirits… keep us going… and, of course, it has to be the children – the reason why we got into this demanding job in the first place and making sure we create a time in which they can enjoy their childhood.

We are the guardians of their uncertain future, so what do they need to enjoy their childhood now and what abilities do they need to enjoy the future – it’s clear really – the ability to create and throw yourself into the moment and have FUN. YES. We spent the day reconnecting with what’s important ie being still and relishing every moment of breath… being very active and rediscovering the games of our childhood that we know children will love.  Fun,  dear readers, is a basic human need (well argued for by William Glasser an American psychologist in the 60s, author of Schools Without Failure and the Quality School)… it peppered our day with the spice of laughter, connected us together through our humanity and lifted our souls.  So thank you to Cori Bateman, Headteacher of Chantry Primary Academy, Luton, for organising a fabulous day, in a fabulous venue.


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This day was obviously a much needed boost for everyone, I’ve seen Jenny work and I know that she incorporates both stillness and laughter so that the participants can experience both in a new way.  All the evaluations were great.  I am including a few here:

  • “Mindfulness is something I had heard of but never really understood.  I have come away with so much more understanding and enthusiasm.  I am now motivated to start working on myself and sharing it with my team.”  Abby, St Margaret’s school.
  • “When did I forget the importance of FUN and GAMES in school?  Thank you sincerely for the reminder Jenny.” Carrie Matthews, Head of Willen Primary school.
  • “What a wonderful day, you have reminded me to look after me and have inspired me to want to spend more time developing the self-esteem of our staff and children”.  Daniella Toyer, Bushmead Primary school.
  • “Have now got a bank of games to use with staff at training evenings to revitalise them as much as I feel now.”  Sarah Gilbert, Deputy head, Chapel Street Nursery school.

If you are interested in finding out about booking Jenny for a conference day, an INSET day or for a working in school day please phone 01225 767158 or email