We were delighted to see the brilliant Ofsted report (September 2018) of a school that Jenny has trained in that mentions the Golden Rules proving to be a structure for pupils to learn how to behave. Sarah Carrick, Headteacher of Ambleside Church of England Primary School, had already been on one of Jenny’s courses and was therefore using strategies from the Golden Model within the school. Sarah decided to book Jenny to come and work with staff during a lunchtimes workshop. So, what exactly did Ofsted say when the mentioned the Golden Rules?
“The behaviour of pupils is good.
The school’s ‘golden rules’ provide a simple structure with which pupils learn how to behave. Pupils are courteous and respectful to each other and to adults. They are trustworthy. Pupils are calm when they move around the school and treat equipment and buildings with care.
They have exuberant, but safe, fun at breaktimes.”
The school had undergone very difficult times previously and the new systems, including the Golden Rules, have helped to turn the school around to become a Good school – an amazing improvement on previous inspections. Congratulations to the Headteacher, staff and children on making such a success of the lasts few years and for receiving such a great inspection.
Website Managers Notes
- Jenny runs Train the Trainers courses to work in-depth with groups of staff over a period of a few days (days together or spread out). These trained trainers become accredited in Jenny’s model and can use it to train and support other staff within their own setting.
- Jenny Mosley is available for better behaviour and lunchtimes and playtimes INSET training days, Working In School Days and for different length projects involving several schools for schools training.
- Find out about booking Jenny or attending open training conferences around the country throughout the year. Jenny also excels as an educational presenter at schools conferences, LA conferences and Headteacher conferences.
- The areas of Jenny’s expertise include training for positive behaviour for learning, early years training, training for midday supervisors and lunchtime supervisors, to promote calm dining halls and healthy, active playgrounds, also training for promoting social and communication skills for learning and training for mental health and wellbeing. To find out more about Dining Hall Helpers please ask.
- Jenny’s resources support all her areas of training and are available form her webshop.
- Do get in touch if we can help! Phone 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk or use the contact form on our website.