Early Years Edition of ‘From Lockdown to Listening’
– Developing a Nurturing Approach to Circle Listening
A Recovery Resource
Access from Work or Home
When you purchase this Recovery and Resilience Resource you are agreeing HOW TO / WHO CAN use this package. You agree that you will not share, distribute, sell or pass on in any format electronically, or on paper any of the work or intellectual property that is part of this resource, with anyone who is not in your own settings’ team. Purchase and usage of this is for one setting or school only. (Please note: You will need to be able to access: MS Word, MP4 Video on Vimeo, PDF)
1. A Motivating Introduction Webinar
Listen and watch Jenny explain some key parts of the package.
2. Four Foundation Stage and KS1 Therapeutic Session Plans
Download these plans and circulate to teachers, practitioners and assistants within your staff team so they can read and familiarise themselves with the session plans. Designed to be adaptable to suit the needs and ages of any early years group.
3. Early Years Circle Time Downloadable Books
Please click on the link below to download the full PDF of the book pictured. You will find tips, ideas and plenty of session plans for moving forward with Circle Time.
Here We Go Round by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet
Stepping Stones to Success by Helen Sonnet and Pat Child
4. ‘Quality Circle Time in Action’ DVD (or movie file)
Quality Circle Time in Action Booklet to Accompany DVD – includes session plans
Watch this DVD by clicking on the title here and circulate the link to staff members who would benefit from watching. The original DVD that shows Jenny running a masterclass Circle Time with a KS1 and a KS2 class who she has not met before.
5. Course Handouts
We have included here three key handouts which cover some key issues relating to the package, just click on the title below to download:
By purchasing, downloading and using this resource, you are agreeing HOW TO and WHO CAN use this package.
By purchasing and/or accessing these documents you agree that you will not share, distribute, sell or pass on in any format, electronically or printed, any of the work or intellectual property that is part of this resource with anyone who is NOT IN YOUR SCHOOL OR TEAM. Purchase and usage of this course is for one school or team only.
Please note: You will require appropriate hardware and software that allows the display of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, video and PDF files.
In Addition to This School Recovery Resources, Further Resources, Online Training and Online Consultation Available with Jenny Mosley
Training in your school with all your staff or groups of staff on Wellbeing For All, Vibrant Circle Time, Positive Lunchtimes and Respectful Relationships.
Online training packages for lunchtimes and playtimes and for staff wellbeing.
Online seminars and live discussions about any issues in your schools can be booked.
A vast range of books, posters, cards, playground zone signs and puppets are available from our shop (www.circle-time.co.uk/shop)
Jenny Mosley Consultancies
For training 01225 767157
For Positive Press Resources 01225 719204
THE CHALLENGES OF 2020 and 2021
We are working hard to produce online School Recovery Resources and training opportunities for schools to reflect the current challenges – as we all move ‘From Lockdown to Listening and Learning’. Do check in to see other resources that have been produced.
Angela Dhillon, Inclusion Manager, Andrea Nash, Senior Learning Mentor and Samina Thorpe, Assistant Headteacher/Inclusion Manager, Moss Hall Schools Federation
This resource is very helpful because it reminds us of the Ground Rules and Five Steps of Circle Time. There will now be continuity across infants and juniors….
It is a good starting point as a refresher for staff who are working remotely and are about to return and engage with children after lockdown. The sessions plan provides a framework to help and support staff and children in dealing with issues from ‘lockdown’ as they arise.
There is a clear structure for each lesson – it starts with less tricky themes and build to more in-depth discussions
Philip Dixon Year 5 Teachers, Dallington School, Madrid; Assistant Principal, Primary Section Bangkok Patana School; Head of Assessment, Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpur
“In these troubling and difficult times, I cannot think of a more important aim for schools than to help children grow up to take their place in society as happy, balanced, respectful, confident, caring citizens. Circle Time is a tried and tested model that will help create a happier school environment to make that dream come true.”
Fizz Starkey previously Head of Motcombe Infant School, currently Parent Governor
‘From Lockdown to Learning’ – a great resource guaranteed to help children and staff move from traumatic times to fun filled learning together.
Carin Quinn, Healthy Schools Practitioner. Caerphilly County Borough Council
I think it’s an excellent resource that will really help children and benefit teachers in these strange times. Each child’s experience of lockdown will be significantly different….so these sessions are invaluable to restore some sense of calm and balance for everyone. Children will need to re-connect with each other and learn again how to communicate, co-operate and listen to each other. What better than Quality Circle Time.
Sarah Bates, Registered Mental Health Nurse
Circle time is such a valuable resource for children and teachers. It promotes wellbeing for all those who are involved in this approach. It helps children’s lifelong skills with listening, learning about their own and others’ emotions, and helping develop problem solving skills.
I have worked as a Mental Health nurse for many years in a variety of settings and know how useful this approach can be for adults – staff and clients. Circle time has such a positive and healthy foundation and solid core to work from I feel this whole system approach should be available not just in education but health, social care and any other organisations with the needs of people at the heart of them. It’s so good to now have this resource online.
Andrew McKechnie, Year 6 class teacher and DSL, West Rise Junior School
Fantastic lesson plans – we will most certainly introduce these lessons immediately when the children return. The benefit that countless children across the country will gain from these is truly untold – what a great way to think about returning to school.
Emma Wayper, Assistant Headteacher, Watercliffe Meadow School
I think the plans are beautiful and will be so useful as a guide to teachers as children arrive back at school. We just do not know how children will come back and with what feelings and baggage so, as a teacher, having these plans will give me more confidence. Circle Time will be more important than ever (however we have to do it) and we are so lucky you have done this thinking for us. I can’t wait to use these materials in our school.