Designed by Jenny Mosley for SEAD and SEAL. These Five Skills Notelets are a quick, focused way of giving children feedback about their prowess in the five skills. When an adult spots a child using one of the skills they can congratulate the child and give him or her a notelet to take home. A copy with the child’s name on could also be put in the Golden Class Book so that this can be celebrated at a later stage. “Children and parents really love them.” (PP) Illustrations by Mark Cripps. This resource accompanies Jenny Mosley’s Small Books of The 5 Skills. Each book contains superb games and activities to promote each of the Five Skills. Every single activity has a follow-up one (“… now try this”), which really embeds the skill they have just learnt. You can use these precious little handbooks throughout the day to keep children alert to the skills they need to practice. Buy our whole 5 skills range of resources to help children love the 5 skills. Stickers, stickers books, flash cards and posters all available – designed by Jenny Mosley.
Format: 5 x A6 Pads, 50 sheets per pad
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To book Jenny Mosley for your school or early years setting CLICK HERE.
For all training enquiries, phone 01225 767157 or email