Jenny Mosley’s Wellbeing Training In Primary Schools
School wellbeing training for Mental Health and Wellbeing has never been more sought after as more and more children are diagnosed with mental health issues. Indeed a survey from 2008 concluded that 10% of children and young people have a clinically diagnosable mental health problem, yet 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age (Children’s Society 2008). Staff, too, need their own wellbeing training. Heavy workloads, additional pressures and caring for, and teaching, children with complex challenges, all require staff to look after their own mental health and wellbeing.
Staff Wellbeing Training In Schools – Conference Trainer – Jenny Mosley
Staff Wellbeing Training is an increasingly important part of Jenny’s work with schools. This training is more suitable for a closure INSET day or twilight training, so that the children are not present and staff can focus on their own wellbeing and needs as professionals. Click through to read more about Jenny Mosley’s Staff Wellbeing Training here.
Wellbeing Training In Primary Schools – Conference Trainer – Jenny Mosley
Jenny Mosley is a national and international trainer and acclaimed founder of the Quality Circle-Time model. Jenny’s work and motivation has had an impact in thousands of schools. She wrote, for the DfE, the circle-time guidance for Early Years, Primary and Secondary SEAL. She also wrote the Happier Lunchtimes and Playtimes Guidance for the Primary National Strategy. Find out how Jenny’s ideas support British Values and the latest guidance from Ofsted.
Jenny Mosley is the foremost pioneer of positive lunchtimes. She was on the government’s Task Force for P.E and School Sports (PESS) and her unique approach to creating positive lunchtimes and playtimes was featured on a BBC Documentary ‘Just One Chance’. In 2015 Jenny wrote the first ever book on dining halls; ‘How To Create Calm Dining Halls’ with articles in the TES, Headteacher Update and other publications relating to this. Jenny’s school wellbeing training is highly sought after.
How Is Jenny’s Wellbeing Training In Primary Schools Carried Out
We have an excellent, proven, track record in running the following Wellbeing Training In Primary Schools:
- INSET training days – where the school is closed to pupils and Jenny works with staff;
- Working in School Days – where the school stays open and Jenny works with groups of staff and pupils in classrooms, the dining hall, in the playground and holds a meeting in the staffroom;
- Half day (or shorter) workshops for school wellbeing training – which can be designed to suit your school.
For wellbeing training in primary schools, our training usually falls into the following areas, all of which impact both directly and indirectly upon the health and wellbeing of children:
- Training for better behaviour, respectful relationships, improved self-esteem and social skills –mostly through Circle Time;
- Training for calm dining halls, introducing systems that are efficient and work well, to create a healthier dining hall experience for pupils;
- Training for powerfully positive playtimes – getting children more active and healthily involved in the playground through empowering midday supervisors and setting up the playgrounds so that children can thrive.
- Staff Wellbeing Training.
- Working with parents – activity workshops.
We happily tailor our training to meet the needs of your school or setting.
However, it if often the case that a training day is more successful when more than one area is covered. For example, on a health and wellbeing training day, by empowering staff to engage with children in a programme of Circle Time – this helps to strengthen relationships, contributes to children’s ability to contribute to consultation processes and strengthens self-esteem. All these elements provide a sound foundation for participating more directly in health and wellbeing activities like becoming more active in the playground.
What Schools Write About Jenny’s Wellbeing Training In Primary Schools 
“At Watercliffe Meadow we use Jenny Mosley’s Golden Model as a whole school approach and have done since we opened 9 years ago. Our school is in an area of significant deprivation and in that time we have witnessed a worrying rise in the level of mental health needs both in our children and our families. Never has there been a greater need for schools to have a robust approach to emotional well-being as there is today. Central to our ethos is a nurturing approach. As part of this approach there are numerous ways that children can safely tell us how they feel. Every day we collect ‘feelings scores’ from children in our classes and children all know that they can ask for 1:1 ‘bubble time’. The cornerstone of our practice to support emotional well-being is weekly Quality Circle Time. It is a non-negotiable that children are entitled to their weekly class session of QCT so that they can explore and share feelings, solve problems and deal with class and individual issues in a safe, supportive and structured environment. Not all children like to talk in this kind of session but all know that they have a voice and are given the opportunity to use it on a weekly basis. QCT is an important part of what makes our school a calm and happy place for learning, it is a haven in what for many of today’s children is a life full of stress and anxiety.” Ian Read, Headteacher Watercliffe Meadow Community Primary School, Sheffield (2017)
What The Government Says Schools Should Be Doing
“All pupils will benefit from learning and developing in a well ordered school environment that fosters and rewards good behaviour and sanctions poor and disruptive behaviour.” Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools DfE 2016
“The physical, social and emotional environment in which staff and students spend a high proportion of every week day has been shown to affect their physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing as well as impacting on attainment.” Promoting Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing by Public Health England 2015
“Jenny Mosley’s Circle Time approaches when widely used, enable young people to develop the skills to negotiate, listen and respond with empathy, as well as to express themselves and solve problems … in the best practice young people were taught and encouraged to be highly aware of their own behaviour …” Ofsted research 2009.
“… common worries and problems can be discussed in weekly circle time sessions before they grow into more serious wellbeing or mental health risks. The teacher leads the discussion in a calm and respectful environment which allows the whole class to think together …” Mental Health and Behaviour in schools. DfE March 2016
“It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood.” Promoting Children And Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing. Public Health England 2015
Educational Resources To Support Wellbeing Training In Primary Schools
We have educational resources, which we can provide in discounted bundles of an appropriate size for your school, to back up any aspects of Jenny’s school wellbeing training. Examples of resources that might be particularly relevant to health and wellbeing might include lunchtimes games booklets, games cards for children to use and handy guidance booklets for midday supervisors. All our resources can be found in our webshop.
For all enquiries, phone 01225 767157 or email: